Climate change...

From my experience of the Lake District, it’s too many walkers and particularly mountain bikers who are in danger of stripping the fells to bare rock, before anything else is responsible.
No , your wrong 😡Its CLIMATE CHANGE!!! ffs how many times does it have to be told to you by (so called) activists, politicians and media???
Rather than deal with the real reality of
the situation, let's just go on emotional,sensational tangent...ffs🙄😉😆
And probably too many "experts" :D
And when they have what they want and stock is removed, they will get molinia grass & dry bracken +people = wildfires. Buy hey, they are the experts.

An 'ex' = a has been.
A 'spurt' = something under pressure.

So an 'expert' can be said to have an 'ology, often gained from behind a desk with a very tunnel eyed view of their subject, whose ideas will be chip paper wrapping by tomorrow and who are under great pressure to keep producing - chip paper. ;)
An 'ex' = a has been.
A 'spurt' = something under pressure.

So an 'expert' can be said to have an 'ology, often gained from behind a desk with a very tunnel eyed view of their subject, whose ideas will be chip paper wrapping by tomorrow and who are under great pressure to keep producing - chip paper. ;)

The other definition of an expert is someone that gets to know more and more about less and less until eventually he knows everything about nothing.
It makes you wonder if doing anything is going to make any difference. An article I posted in the archaeology thread about the oldest impact crater yet discovered states that the impact possibly triggered the end of the ice age and released "water vapour, which is a greenhouse gas" into the atmosphere, but if it hadn't then the climate wouldn't have warmed up and life on the planet would have remained impossible. So if the presence of water vapour is a problem then we're doomed, unless we all stop breathing....
It makes you wonder if doing anything is going to make any difference. An article I posted in the archaeology thread about the oldest impact crater yet discovered states that the impact possibly triggered the end of the ice age and released "water vapour, which is a greenhouse gas" into the atmosphere, but if it hadn't then the climate wouldn't have warmed up and life on the planet would have remained impossible. So if the presence of water vapour is a problem then we're doomed, unless we all stop breathing....
I conclude, that climate change is real but until anyone with any scientific accuracy can differentiate between what is natural and what is as a direct impact of human intervention, I'm basically not interested.
I'm sick and tired of various organisations pontificating their beliefs as fact when in reality they are merely predictions normally not even in the realms of statistical Friday afternoon, it's hot, time for another drink....🍷🍷🤔😆😆
I conclude, that climate change is real but until anyone with any scientific accuracy can differentiate between what is natural and what is as a direct impact of human intervention, I'm basically not interested.
I'm sick and tired of various organisations pontificating their beliefs as fact when in reality they are merely predictions normally not even in the realms of statistical Friday afternoon, it's hot, time for another drink....🍷🍷🤔😆😆

I think that sums it up rather well. :TU:
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