Winter Oats

@gone for the past 20 years we’ve run the rotation :
winter oats▶️spring barley▶️5yr ley.
I’d rather change it to oats oats grass, given that the oats are so much better than spring barley ( yield better, look happier, earlier to harvest, much better at weed suppression). I’m also suckling at the teat of countryside stewardship though and the scheme I’m in needs a certain amount of spring cereal... Ho hum- at leat the CS money’s good! 💷 👍
@gone for the past 20 years we’ve run the rotation :
winter oats▶spring barley▶5yr ley.
I’d rather change it to oats oats grass, given that the oats are so much better than spring barley ( yield better, look happier, earlier to harvest, much better at weed suppression). I’m also suckling at the teat of countryside stewardship though and the scheme I’m in needs a certain amount of spring cereal... Ho hum- at leat the CS money’s good! 💷 👍
"Proper Farming" (y).
I have drifted out of stock and into continuous tillage, with a few store to beef cattle cattle to graze rough areas, but it is not ideal. I now farm 5 farms, all of which use to support a family when my parents were young, and all of which would have had, cattle, sheep and tillage as enterprises along with pigs, fowl and veg for the house. Farming has changed massively, and not for the better, in 3 generations.
The Winter Oats is looking as it should, this phone's camera is a bit more picky than the last one, if the light is not good the pictures will be very variable.
View attachment 9245View attachment 9246View attachment 9247View attachment 9248View attachment 9249
Try tilting the phone down so you get less sky often helps in such conditions. With the iPhone (others may do the same) tapping on the part of the picture you're interested in will move the exposure settings to that part of the picture.
The first couple of fields of WO, sown a fortnight ago, are up:
I normally do two fields WO and two of SB but this year the SB was particularly nasty and weedy (mainly milkthistle). I’ve been itching to drop it but have been locked into a CS agreement including an area of low input spring cropping. Had a meeting with my advisor last Weds- the ‘spring’ part is no longer in the wording 🥳 so later that day I had another 5t of seed oats ordered, they arrived Fri and are now in the ground.
So that’ll make next spring a little less hectic and hopefully the oats will ripen pretty much together so we’ll just have one harvest and one lot of hanging around for grain artics.

You’ve got to have a little change around now and again!
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